Privacy Policy 🔐

Meow It believes privacy is incredibly important and pledges to respect and protect its users.

The Meow It is made available as a web application or TWA, and information regarding the application is available on Meow It's website. The Meow It web app, website, and related services will be referred to as the "Services". The web app offers users a forum to interact with other Meow It users in the same geographic area. In this Privacy Policy ("Policy"), Meow It describes how it collects, uses, and discloses information that it obtain about users of the Services.

Meow It asks that you read the Policy in order to understand how your information is being used. When you use the Services, you are consenting to this Policy. If you do not agree with content in the Policy, you must stop using the Services.

Information Meow It Collects

  • Location Data - Meow It uses your location data to provide you with the best possible experience.
  • Unique Number (Autogenerated) - Meow It uses a unique number to identify your browser (NO TRACKING INTENDED - Used only to ban devices incase the user violates the Terms of Use)

Yes that's it. No other data is ever collected. User preferences including preferred theme color, permission lists never leaves your devices and is stored in your browser's Indexed DB. (Free from XSS)

  • If you have any questions or concerns about the Policy, please contact us.
  • If you want to delete your account and all of your data, click on the "Logout" button in the User Options Menu

How Meow It uses the information it collects

Meow It uses the information it collects to:

  • To find all the meows nearby
  • To post the meow in your location
  • Ban the device if the user violates the Terms of Use

The location will be used only with the meow and not with the user account. The location is not shared with anyone. It is not used for any other purpose. The location data is stored in your browser's Indexed DB. (Free from XSS) This location data will be used if the user does not turn on the geolocation feature in their browser. The Fingerprint is a unique number that is generated by the browser and is used to identify the browser. (NO TRACKING INTENDED - Used only to ban devices incase the user violates the Terms of Use). It is never shared with anyone. PERIOD

The data never leaves the browser making Meow It safe and private to use.

The third party API Used:

The location coordinates is sent as a GET request to this API for reverse geocoding. The API returns the city, state, and country which will be displayed in the home page. As far as Meow It knows, the location data is not used for any other purpose. The API doesn't store any data. If you wish to know more read their Privacy Policy

Where it is processed

On the Server:

  • The location data is sent to the server for querying the nearby meows
  • The location data is sent along with the text for posting a new meow
  • The Unique number is sent to the server and is associated with the user's generated account.

On your browser or web app: Stores the Location data for the following purposes:

  • If your browser supports, will send the scheduled meows (meows that were sent while offline) automatically in the background (Background Sync)
  • If you browser supports, will query for latest meows nearby in the background (Periodic Background Sync)
  • If GPS is turned off, will use the location data for sending new meows
  • While the account is being created, a unique number is generated (Browser Fingerprint) and is sent to the server.

Third Party:

  • The location co ordinates is sent as a GET request to the API which returns the city name and country name.
  • The API doesn't store any of your infomation and in theory cannot associate you with the location. Period.

Your account

For using Meow It, the web app automatically creates an account for you. The account does not associate you in any way except your browser (NO TRACKING INTENDED / NEVER WILL). The account is not used for anything other than posting meows and finding meows nearby. If you wish, you can log out and delete your account by clicking the "Logout" Button in the User Options Menu.


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